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Uitgebreide gegevens CHARRON.line proef

28-05-2017 -- Bert Jr. SCHMELZER -- 2196,0 punten

Database gegevens:

Datum: 28-05-2017 Type proef: VV
Toestel: ASG 29/18m Immatriculatie: D-8298
Handicapfactor: 119 Klasse: Open/Ren
Piloot: Bert Jr. SCHMELZER Club: KACK
Afstand: 653.3 km Score: 2196,0 pt
Vertrekpunt: LSZN (buitenland) Wedstrijd: NEE
Motorzwever: NEE Copiloot:
Status Proef: Gevalideerd IGC validatie ok
Opmerkingen: Opmerking wijzigenEW Serienummer:
What a weekend ! 4 days of flying and today was the icing on the cake. Despite predicted showers and thunderstorms I absolutely wanted to try a flight around the TMA of Geneva. Since an early start should be possible, I planned to cross from the Jura Mountain Range into the Chartreuse near Chambéry early in the day and a 750 km FAI triangle seamed to be possible. After a high tow, everything went according to the time schedule. Unfortunately a first local TS local developed near Geneva at 13:00. Nevertheless I decided to push on and wanted to climb at the well exposed ridge of Culoz at the Southern end of the Jura. *Sigh* no chance to climb above 1500m AMSL in the blue conditions. Usually one needs about 2000m to reach the thermals on the French side. After spending 40 minutes trying, this was becoming a problem. No possibility to turn back, more and more thunderstorms started to develop and the clock was ticking. Way too low for a comfortable glide towards the first hills of the Chartreuse, I could only move forward and headed for the first low hills. Apparently, I arrived just at the right moment and got solid lift from below the crest. The same thing happened on the next hill, just abeam the CTR of Chambéry. Thanks to the kind controller I was allowed to cross overhead the airfield and could connect on the Western side of the valley. About 250 km from Hausen am Albis, F2 and I could connect with the energylines near the thunderstorms: Some extremely strong climbs (+7.0m/s on the averager), very long glides through dead air, weak thermals under complete overcast, and finally a comfortable final glide into the calm skies of the Swiss Mittelland. What a day ! PS: I still don't understand why the beautiful Culoz Mountain didn't work. PPS: I will never declare this triangle again in conditions with warm-air-advection

Verklaring op erewoord betreffende luchtruimgebruik:

Mil Off, T-sectoren uitgeluisterd - niet actief, DABS gecontroleerd, zweefvliegsectoren Genève actief, contact met Chambéry voor TMA+CTR entry/crossing, Emmen-Buochs-ALpnach CTR en TMA niet actief, TMA14-15 ZRH niet actief

Igc-file: 2017-05-28-LXV-7L5-01.igc

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