CHARRON.beta: Hall of fame - BNL VV klassement - BNL VVall klassement - BNL OP klassement - Charronde - Speed.Charron

Uitgebreide gegevens CHARRON.line proef

17-06-2017 -- Bert Jr. SCHMELZER -- 2399,7 punten

Database gegevens:

Datum: 17-06-2017 Type proef: VV
Toestel: ASG 29/18m Immatriculatie: D-8298
Handicapfactor: 119 Klasse: Open/Ren
Piloot: Bert Jr. SCHMELZER Club: KACK
Afstand: 713.9 km Score: 2399,7 pt
Vertrekpunt: LSZN (buitenland) Wedstrijd: NEE
Motorzwever: NEE Copiloot:
Status Proef: Gevalideerd IGC validatie ok
Opmerkingen: Opmerking wijzigenEW Serienummer:
After the start the first part in the Jura mountain range was more or less a (very) low level training flight with unreliable thermals. The way back towards the East -North of the TMA of Zürich- had some interesting convergence lines and small cloud streets around Friedrichshafen TMZ. The view on Lake Constance was fantastic ! Near Kempten, I had to work my way into the rising terrain South of track. Even though cloudbase wasn't very high in the first hills of the Alps, progress back towards Hausen am Albis was still okay and small cumulus clouds marked the same kind of unsteady thermals. After crossing the Rhein valley, distances between thermals became quite big. To extend the flight I saw an opportunity to continue along the beautiful ridges towards Thun. No turning, nor figure of eight was needed, just cruising along with 120 kph. When I came back in the Swiss Mittelland the airmass changed once again and at 19:00 big black-based cumulus clouds popped up everywhere. A great end to a difficult but fun day.

Verklaring op erewoord betreffende luchtruimgebruik:

Mil Off, DABS gecontroleerd, TMZ Friedrichshafen 119.925 listening watch + xpdr 2677 - TMA14-15 ZRH niet actief - Emmen+Buochs+Alpnach niet actief

Igc-file: 2017-06-17-LXV-7L5-01.igc

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Low Flying Area Golf: Status op 17-06-2017
Weerkaart: Weerkaart van 17-06-2017

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